it was about time
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layer based human activities is the personal project, portfolio of John Sotiropoulos, multidisciplinary audio / visual artist based in Athens – Greece. My purpose is to create unique sound and visual artworks by using all available art creating means in any kind of format.
layer based human activities also works via domo arigato section and as a publishing platform for our own audio / visual products (books, posters and audio / visual works).
selected clients
Detroit Underground, Protassov Music, lower parts, Талос, From A Tree, dama, Esoteric Sob, Kakofonix bar, Quovis

John Sotiropoulos, born and raised in Athens -Greece, is a graphic and motion designer for over a decade. Started back in early 00’s studying -collaborating with sever graphic and typographic designers from around the world as a world wide design studio with variety of design styles. Back in 2006, restarted the design studio as an audio / visual, design -print and packaging design expertise.