logo design
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After many years and tons of logos that we have designed and rejected, finally we came up with two logotypes that represent our philosophy of how we see things in our life and our graphic design -sound design style.
Minimal, clear and simply as our works here is the logos for layer based human activities works and layer based human activities domo arigato store section.
Both logos follows the same aesthetic technique.
1.layer based human activities (works) logo:
the hand with chop sticks is choosing the two basic symbols of illustration, choosing the simply and clean design methods, is choosing to work with lbha team.
2.layer based human activities (domo arigato, store section) logo:
following the technique as the works logo, this time the hand with the chop sticks is picking stuff from a basket full of goods, choosing and picking posters, books etc that is made from the team.
More works and details visit the site of
layer based human activities
design studio logo / domo arigato
motion design logo