Maps and Diagrams – Differential Equations
book, designMaps and Diagrams – Differential Equations
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Concept and design for the latest release of Maps and Diagrams (Tim Martin) that is co released via Numb Capsule Records and séance press -publications.
We designed a metal based spiral book with several kinetic feeling abstract designs and mathematical aesthetic.
Audio tape:
For the needs of the audio tape design: we used an old photograph of the designer, that we scanned with some ”light” collage. To give the prospective that behind mathematics is the man (and vice versa) and the behind the man as a continuation is the music (and vise versa) and through music is given shape in life, we cut the mathematical symbol π (pi) and the Latin diphthong æ as a second cover, so that the reader-listener will reveal: mathematics is the man, man is music and music is an aenean movement, and vice versa.